Start your digital transformation journey!
CAP data platform, powerful, open, interoperable extensible, secure, cloud native, micro services, massive scalability, low/no code.
Faster, agile,
low risk
Cloud native, micro services, massive scalability, low/no code platform,secure, great heritage, easy to maintain, open standards based, machine Learning, artificial intelligence.
Powerful, Open, Interoperable extensible!
CAP builds solutions to help businesses.
Design and implementation, platform engineering. API/Integration, Process and Decision Automation, Dev. Ops, Analytics, ML, Data Management, Cloud Infrastracture.
Gdo Bank
Earth Bank
Flash Sites
The best companies of the market trust us
Trust Bank
Page Sites
Idea Bank
Is a 125 year old travel company. We work direct with CIO/CTO . The engagement is a transformational engagement
CAP has been a very positive addition to our IT initiative and has made a good impact with all our users. It can do more than just securing documents and the feature rich solution has won the vote of confidence and trust in our organization.
CAP is an excellent software to maintain and store emails, digital documents with versioning and security. Its workflow feature will minimize physical routing of documents.
Storage was at a premium. We needed to archive old docs. We have scanned about 120,000 pages so far and eliminated much of our storage needs

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